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bridge bearings

bridge bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2013-04-12 16:22:48
Welcome to SRG, your reliable source for ..neoprene [bridge bearings] , bearing pads, laminated elastomeric bearing, elastomeric bearing,.. moulded rubber products, precure tread rubber, tread liner,ptfe Teflon sliding,ptfe Teflon sliding, ptfe ptfe Teflon pipe supports, molded rubber products, rubber gaskets, and rubber marine fenders. Our home page and connected links provide information on a wide range of rubber products.

A bridge basically consists of bridge deck supported by piers. In order to avoid damage by movements of thermal expansion, vehicular movement, loading to piers,bridge bearings are used to accommodate these movements so as to reduce reaction forces and bending movement to within safety limits of structure. Neoprene as well as Natural Rubber is an ideal engineering material for bridge bearings as it is highly elastic and sufficiently soft to accommodate these movements without transmitting harmful stress and also it absorbs and isolates energy from impacts and vibrations. Bridge bearings are devices for transferring loads and movements from deck to piers.

Pretread.com is direct manufacturer of Laminated Neoprene Bridge Bearings and Laminate Elastomeric Bearings, ptfe Teflon sliding bearings. We at pretread.com, manufacture neoprene bridge bearings, elastomeric, pads, high damping rubber bearing, expansion joints, PTFE sliding bearing, sliding bearings to AASHTO / BS / DIN specifications for the first time in the Middle East U.A.E. Laminated elastomeric bearings, bridge bearings, bridge bearing pads high damping skf bearing pads are manufactured mostly in neoprene elastomeric compounds.

We manufacture plain and laminated elastomeric bearings for construction industry in neoprene and natural rubber compound confirming to BS/AASHTO/DIN standards. Bridge bearings and bridge bearing pads are manufactured in ..neoprene rubber compounds,.. unless other wise specified for natural rubber compound. Our specialization is in neoprene bridge bearings, elastomeric, pads, high damping rubber bearings are from our years of experience, and with support from our technical and marketing partners.

Let us verify ..load calculations.. for your bearings. On receipt of corbel size, load and movement details of your requirements, calculations and bearings sizes can be provided based on results on parameters compared to AASHTO LRFD - FREE.

TEFLON sheets are used as sliding top surface on top of laminated elastomeric bearings and manufacture ptfe Teflon sliding bearing in combination with SS 316 Grade Stainless Steel mirror finished surface as sliding top nachi bearings proves excellent sliding control. Thickness of ptfe TEFLON sheets will be to AASHTO / BS / DIN / En 1337-2 specifications. We are proud to be the first one in the Middle East in U.A.E.to provide such manufacturing facility, with ptfe Teflon, there by high cost of import and time delay can be avoided.

B22-19 C3

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